"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he/she will have to accept that his life will be radically changed"
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
As undoubtedly the most effective therapy for dealing with anxiety in any form, BWRT is extremely efficient at dealing with the fear or lack of confidence when riding.
Whatever your anxiety is and wherever its come from, BWRT removes that unwanted pattern without the need for coping strategies, without needing you to relive past trauma, and without removing your natural survival instinct.
As well as lack of riding confidence, as a rider/horse owner there are many other issues that are part and parcel of all things equine, and BWRT addresses them quickly and efficiently. These may include:
The loss of your horse. Whether expectedly or unexpected can be equally traumatic.
Competition anxiety; fear of failure, fear of being judged are often part of this.
Teaching and coaching; imposter syndrome is prevalent in these roles.
Financial lack of confidence. BWRT won't pay your bills, but it will stop your unhealthy spending habits and give you financial confidence.
Injury, sometimes life changing, sometimes not, but rarely without an emotional and mental impact.
There's no mysticism to the resolution to all these issues. BWRT uses the current thinking about neuroscience and your brain's natural ability to rewire itself, and is straightforward, quick and complete.
As well as issues with anxiety or confidence, riders are finding outstanding results in their competition lives working with me using BWRT Neural Manifestation and BWRT-NET. You can find out more about these via the links on the left.
As a horse owner and one time elite competitor, I am the only Registered BWRT Advanced Practitioner with the specialism and expertise in all things equine.